When you are a parent I'd say it is safe to assume that you go out less at night than you did pre-kids (based on my experience anyway). So when you do make it out you want it to be good and you want to make the most of it.
With Valentine's Day fast approaching my husband and I decided to go out on a 'date night' where we went for dinner together then on to the theater to see Aladdin The Musical and it was brilliant.

Disney's Aladdin has been on in London for just under a year and I don't know how you could not like it. It is full of energy, music and sparkly things and I left feeling full of joy!
The singing, choreography and music is fantastic and I watched a few grown men (including my husband) bopping in their seats. Every single one of the cast is incredibly talented and one thing I didn't expect was that the script is very funny, there are so many good one-liners in it - the Genie especially is brilliant.

The set is incredible and changes continuously. We were lucky enough to have a backstage tour after the show and I was amazed to see the complexities and mechanics of it all. We found out how they created some of the illusions and special effects (that I will not ruin for you) and saw the areas where the cast have to change in seconds. There is so much that goes on backstage with about 100 people working there every performance.
Being a colourful fashion (and fancy dress) lover I really, really enjoyed the costumes. There are over 350 of them and the attention to detail and craftsmanship on them all is incredible. There are also so many different hats, turbans and headdresses in every scene and despite all the energetic movement they all manage to stay on the actor's heads!

The Prince Edward Theatre is in the centre of Soho so we went for a pre-theatre dinner on Old Compton Street. It felt pretty liberating to be out-out and kid-free for the evening.

Both my husband and I really enjoyed ourselves and loved the nostalgic element of watching the classic Aladdin Disney story that we grew up with as grown ups - it was a whole new world and an excellent Valentine's Day date night.
This post created in assosiation Disney - but when they offered it to me I jumped at the chance because it is something I genuinely wanted to see and do. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.