June 27, 2015SALE
I LOVE a Sale - i actually buy the majority of my clothes in the sale and on sale sites. Here are a few of my sale shopping tips that i practice at least 4 times a year!
- Make sure you LOVE what you buy - a good test is to think about if you would pay full price for it (although a bargain is also very tempting and can obviously make you like something more).
- If you see something in the sale you love - get it, you can always send it back but it will sell out of you don't buy it now!
- Think ahead - buy pieces that i know will stay fashionable for a long time or are classics that will see you through a few more seasons. I recently bought a winter jumper that i'll keep until its cold and have an amazing smart black dress (£15 from £70) with the tags still on that i plan to wear to an event and the end of the summer.
- I do most of my clothes shops online and i particularly like Sale shopping online as you don't have to deal with the mess and carnage of the shop floor. Use the filters eg. shop by size.
- If there is something you love but its not available in your size keep checking back as sometimes things get sent back and become available again.
- Always buy the correct size - from experience if its to small/big it bugs me and i don't wear it as much.
- Keep a look out for things that are usually expensive eg. swimming costumes, coats, leather bags etc. - you'll always need them and when they are are half price they are much more appealing.

TOPSHOP Denim Smock Dress WAS £45 NOW £15 / TOPSHOP Dungarees WAS £48 NOW £15 / Zara WAS £80 NOW £50

COS WAS £55 NOW £38 / COS WAS £79 NOW £39 / & Other Stories WAS £45 NOW £13