I wore my new Girl Power T-shirt out last Friday night and i loved it - super cool slogan, perfectly cut, fun, great quality AND not only that 100% of the profit from the Girl Tees goes to Worldreader who are dedicated to bringing digital books to every child and her family, so that they can elevate them out of poverty.

My Girl Power T-shirt is from Tease & Totes - here is some more info on what they do and how they started:
BY WHOM IT WAS FOUNDED: Twins Danielle Newnham (me) and Natalie Bardega. My background – I was on the founding team of apps agency ubinow, recently bought by Havas WorkClub. I co-founded digital innovation studio We Make Play and am author of Mad Men of Mobile, and a forthcoming book about female innovators and entrepreneurs in tech. I also recently launched The Junto Network which includes a series of filmed interviews with inspirational tech founders and innovators. Prior to Tease and Totes, Natalie Bardega spent her career as a buying manager, in charge of a multi-million pound budget for high-street store Jane Norman.

WHY WAS IT CREATED: Having spent ten years in tech, I was acutely aware that women were almost invisible in the industry and, after spending a day at a tech conference where all the men were wearing their startup t-shirts, I realised one way to make the women stand out more was with slogan tops. I saw guys approaching others when they recognised the logo on their t-shirt – it was almost a conversation starter so I looked into what existed for females in tech and female founders and saw there was nothing. At the time, my sister was taking a well-earned career break but, as fashion is in our blood, we discussed it and decided it made sense to pair up and start the business.
WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR BRAND: We are not trying to compete with the high street – far from it. Our uniqueness is in our mission – we started Tease and Totes for one reason and that is to spread the message of empowerment. As big believers in the empowerment of women and children, we see fashion as the best medium to spread that message far and wide. We do that via our slogan tops, via our weekly Wednesday Woman interviews with awesome, inspirational women, and our ongoing partnership with Worldreader ~ 100% proceeds from our Girl Power range goes to the non-profit which is on a mission to bring digital books to every child and her family, so that they can elevate them out of poverty.

WHAT WE SHOULD BUY FROM YOU: My personal favourites this winter are the Here’s to the Crazy Ones and Misfit Rebel Trouble Maker jumpers as both slogans are inspired by one of my favourite speeches (Steve Jobs) but the GIRL POWER adult and kids tees naturally has a special place in my heart because of its simple yet powerful message, and because all proceeds from each sale of these twinning tees goes to Worldreader which makes it an awesome Christmas gift.

I wore my T-shirt with my Topshop velvet suit - i felt a little bit like Austin Powers (it was awesome).